DOB: 12.25.2015 | Red C/W | ASCA #E195254 | AKC #DN44607308
Granite's Slyding Red Rock TM GCH RS-E JS-E GS-E-OP AAD NAJ x Crown Point Rainin At Mill Iron R OAJ NA SS SR SSA JS-O RS-N
COI: 9.09%
Granite's Slyding Red Rock TM GCH RS-E JS-E GS-E-OP AAD NAJ x Crown Point Rainin At Mill Iron R OAJ NA SS SR SSA JS-O RS-N
COI: 9.09%
Hips: Good Elbows: Normal Dentition: Full/Scissors OFA Database CERF Eyes Clear DM Clear By Parentage MDR1 Clear By Parentage HSF4 Clear By Parentage CMR1 Clear By Parentage prcd-PRA Clear CEA Clear By Parentage CD Clear By Parentage DCM Clear By Parentage HUU Clear By Parentage NCL Clear By Parentage Pawprint Genetics Test Results |
Scorch is our keeper from the Khyan x Slyder litter. She's a spunky, but easy going girl who is very toy motivated with a natural fetch, quick recovery, and has great dog and people skills. She has more value for toys and play than food, but will work for both interchangeably. As she's growing up, her personality continues to shine. She's eternally happy, always smiling and though her off switch has been slow to install, she's got an amazing intensity switch. She switches from very focused training into loose body playing and waggling instantly. She tugs for fun and the joy of play instead of as an outlet as many dogs do. In overall life, she's a softer girl, but doesn't quit*. She is handler sensitive and thrives on working and learning. Everything she does, she does with enthusiasm and an almost-human understanding. Scorch has not, and may not end up trialing in agility as at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, she sustained an avulsion fracture to an outside front toe. It flares up sometimes, and when active, does better with it wrapped. Until she can trial with it wrapped, we won't be competing. Now that she's earned her WTCH, we will work on finding more Farm and Ranch trials to showcase her and focus more on Rally and whatever else comes up, she enjoys whatever we do so it's not a matter of finding a game she enjoys :) *She will quit a training session if you try to sneak in a green bean as a reward. Otherwise, she'll work for the sake of working. Apparently, green beans are insulting? 9/2020- Scorch earned her Working Trial Championship this weekend with 3 very nice advanced cattle runs on course B and 2 runs on course G. She also competed in her first ever Farm Trial and won High in Trial Aussie from the Open class, over advanced dogs. To me, this is a testament to what I see daily from her- she's an invaluable chore dog. Intuitive with the stock, settles them- always- even high strung/very stressed stock at trials. I feel confidant knowing we leave the stock better than we found it after she works them. She never uses more force than needed. I would love if she had a touch more desire to bite, but honestly, she doesn't need to. She barks when she needs to- a bark moves the whole herd/flock, she growls when she needs a single to move and she will bite when challenged. She doesn't bite at this point in time unless the stock fights first. I appreciate that. We've both had very limited cattle exposure- only 2-3 lessons in her career so all of her cattle titles have come from the limited experience on whatever stock happen to be at a trial and during our trial runs. I hope to get cattle in the future, not just for herding but because I truly enjoy them. At this time, we've got about 60 head of sheep, breed registered Royal Whites and a "herding mix" of various concentrations/mixes of Katahdin, Dorper, Barbados, and a couple of club sheep. She works any and all combinations of the stock we have, some hunt dogs, some are middle or the road, some are very flighty and some won't leave a human regardless of the dog. She never fails to take the place of multiple people when doing chores or doctoring them. She brings them in out of sight from the 10 acre back pasture while I take care of water/feed at the pens for them. I can usually trust that she has brought everyone, but as it's a new chore and she lacks a super strong sense of group, I double check anyway. Because of the varied origins of most of the sheep, they act like multiple flocks- within the main group, there are 4-5 distinct groups with their own leaders and ideas. She still keeps them in a group and gets everyone in. She struggles with VERY heavy sheep because they won't move off of her and if they don't fight her, she generally won't start a confrontation. She also enjoys licking them. There are 2 sheep in our main flock that I keep around because of how difficult they are for her to work - they let her clean their ears/eyes/nose/butt/etc for as long as she'll clean them. As obnoxious as that can be for me, I like that they trust her. She generally works very wide off of her stock but can "turn it off" and quietly squeeze between them and a fence to get to the water trough without disturbing many. 8/2019 Scorch earned her Ranch Dog sheep title with ease under Judge Rachel Vest, understanding the chores required quickly and easily. Her biggest downfall is her handler's ability to be in the right place at anywhere close to the right time. The 3 day trial following the Ranch trial had some beautiful runs and moments regardless of scores. She did quite well with control points on some pretty challenging stock- more challenging cattle than she's encountered yet, it was said the steer calves were out of a bucking bull cross program. They were sure made to be athletic with as many as went over the fences during some runs! (Not Scorch's) Our training projects are now teaching a more formal drive and cross drive, fixing some training bungles related to her outrun, and getting on more cattle. Every cattle run she gets better and better. She stays calm and respectful of them, uses no more force than necessary and gives them a chance to move. She's learning the finesse of ducks and is patient as can be with them. It's a pleasure to trial with her and we learn a little more from every judge we encounter. 6/2019- Scorch earned an open leg in cattle, started and completed her Open Duck title and won Most Promising Young Aussie at the High Plains ASC Trial under judges Kristin Cole-Macmurray and Tanya Wheeler. 5/2019- Scorch is as wonderful as ever, she just earned her Started titles in Ducks, Sheep, and Cattle and won Most Promising Started Dog at the CASA ASCA trial this month under Judges Jim Hartnagle and Betty Williams. She also received her first leg in AKC Course A herding trial a couple of weeks before that. She's a pleasure to work with, knows plenty more than her handler but is forgiving of my misdirection. She has a lot of presence and works away from her stock. She's gentle with the lambs we have at home and is building confidence on cattle but has only been on them 6 times now (all in a trial setting, which I know isn't ideal but sometimes you've got to work with what you've got). She is calm and composed most of the time on her stock and full of barely restrained enthusiasm during agility training. We've had a lot go on over the past 8 months so training in all areas has been less often than I'd like but despite that, she always picks up right where we left off- or sometimes even better as if she read the book while she was on break! We do a bit of rally training when time permits before the classes she assists me with and she's picking that up as easily as she picks everything up. She's been stepping into the shoes of her dam with her skills as a wonderful Nanny dog for the puppy class I teach as well as a demo dog for the other classes. She is always appropriate with other dogs and situations, albeit over enthusiastic with her attempts at tonsil licking of "new friends". She doesn't seek out humans or other dogs when we're working regardless of the kind of work- she's always 100% with me. She has never shut down or been offended when reactive dogs cause a ruckus during classes- even when directed at her. We've also started taking some disc lessons and she's had some wonderful comments by those that know much more about the sport and dog requirements than I. She competed in a local Toss N Fetch League and did a wonderful job for the weeks we were able to attend. She's a fun partner in anything we do. Her biggest drawbacks- that darn offswitch is taking a long time to appear and if you touch her when she's settled, it's all over and time for WWE cuddle smashing. She also has a low heat tolerance but is self aware. |
COI 10.9%
Granite's Slyding Red Rock TM GCH RS-E JS-E GS-E-OP AAD NAJ DNA-VP | ADCH ATCH Slipstreams Imperial Drumbeat VCD2 AKC CDX/ASCA CD AKC TDX/ASCA TD DNA-VP E134780 | HOF PCH WTCH ATCH 45 Ranch Wind Roper PATDs RTDsc CDX AX AXJ DNA-VP E69573 | HOF WTCH Windsongs Falcon RTDcs DNA-CP E29416 | HOF WTCH Windsongs Hurrah Cain CD DNA-CP E7860 |
Deharos Mijha OTDds ATDc E23559 | ||||
WTCH The Sting of Twin Oaks DNA-VP E35666 | Twin Oaks Brandy Pii CD DNA-CP E5962 | |||
Twin Oaks Jubalee STDcds DNA-CP E17863 | ||||
ADCH NATCH MACH ATCH AKC/ASCA CH Black Rocks Imperial Tarn CD HT DNA-CP E97155 | Ch Private Stocs Task Force E88082 | Ch Amberwoods Arrogant Top Cat DNA-CP E34750 | ||
Ch Sweet Illusions of Wilmeth E49548 | ||||
AKC/ASCA Ch Black Rock Exiled E50006 | Ch Wild Tyke From Odyssey CD E18194 | |||
Ch Zuzaxs Coup De Grand Prix E26831 | ||||
ATCH III ADCH PDCH Granite's Rubicon Star MT TDXII TDIII AKC TDX NF CGC E142991 | HOF SVCH WTCH ATCH NATCH Ch Roanoaks N Cahoots Reinflame EAC EJC EGC TG-E S-TN-E WV-E DNA-VP E123708 | HOF ROMII UAGII UCDX Crown Point Red Rodeo Ray CDX S-CD AX AXJ RS-E GS-O JS-E AD FDCH TDI CGC DNA-CP E80948 | WTCH Crown Point Ace of Spades RTDcs PATDcs DNA-CP E49384 | |
Crown Point Wild Flower E63395 | ||||
HOF Charismas Rei of Son DNA-CP E73748 | Charismas Show Stopper E64521 | |||
HOF Charismas Red Hot | ||||
ATCH IV ADCH NATCH Roanoak's Prairie Star STDs TDX CD AKC TDX DNA-VP E100820 | WTCH Crown Point Stonewall Jackson RTDs DNA-CP E87925 | Crown Point Kemo Sabe E30457 | ||
HOF Crown Point Kk Khyan E32144 | ||||
HOF Ch Shercrest Zomething Different STDd JS-N DNA-CP E81934 | Castles Days of Thunder | |||
Shercrest Lady | ||||
Crown Point Rainin at Mill Iron R OAJ NA SS SR SSA JS-O RS-N E174549 | Crown Point Joey | Crown Point Cow Cutter | WTCH Crown Point Emperor Napoleon RTDs DNA-CP E108543 | Crown Point Rope the Wind DNA-CP E99442 |
HOF Bar LWs Crownpoint Chamois DNA-CP E36731 | ||||
Wild West Rowdy Rita | Crown Point Rowdy Rusty STDcd DNA-CP E91569 | |||
Imagineer Fancy Stuff STDcs E90296 | ||||
Crown Point Josephine | WTCH Crown Point Emperor Napoleon RTDs DNA-CP E108543 | Crown Point Rope the Wind DNA-CP E99442 | ||
HOF Bar LWs Crownpoint Chamois DNA-CP E36731 | ||||
Crown Point Just By Chance E39721 | WTCH Ch The Hawk of Las Rocosa CD RDg E19396 | |||
Mountainaires Spaurs Katti E33315 | ||||
Crownpoint Temptation's Lucille | WTCH Crown Point Stonewall Jackson RTDs DNA-CP E87925 | Crown Point Kemo Sabe E30457 | WTCH Ch The Hawk of Las Rocosa CD RDg E19396 | |
Crownpoint Tarcoola Blue RD STDc OTDds E23980 | ||||
HOF Crown Point Kk Khyan E32144 | WTCH LasRocosa Kubliakhan Crown Pt RDX E19118 | |||
Crownpoints Just-A-Bear E23168 | ||||
HOF PCH WTCH Temptation Angel Face RTDs CDX RS-E GS-E JS-E DNA-CP E89507 | HOF WTCH Crown Point Crimson Tide PATDcs RTDcs DNA-CP E49383 | Crown Point Kemo Sabe E30457 | ||
HOF Crown Point Kk Khyan E32144 | ||||
VCH WTCH Ch Spring Fevers Jitterbug CDX E40467 | WTCH Ch The Hawk of Las Rocosa CD RDg E19396 | |||
VCH Ch Spring Fever Mollie Rock CDX OTDcs ATDd E26701 |